By Richard Brody October 15, 2018
While we have had several tabloids, for generations, in the vast majority of instances, most of us, viewed them, more, from an entertainment – standpoint, than as a purveyor of true news! These periodicals were generally produced, either on a weekly or monthly basis, and focused on sensational titles, and articles, often about gossip, or celebrities. However, these days, fewer people read papers, and, rather, gather their information, from the Internet. While there are both, pluses, and minuses, involved, in this change (the positive includes receiving information more quickly, and widely, etc, while the negative is how easy it has become to distribute, non – facts, as being the truth!), it has created wide – spread, so – called, dis – information, which used to be referred to as propaganda, and/ or lies! It has become, even more prevalent, and obvious, in the last several years, where certain individuals, claim anything they don’t agree with, or disagrees with them, Fake – facts, while, often, these people, are the greatest sources of less – than – truthful, information. With that in mind, this article will attempt to identify, consider, review, and briefly discuss, using the mnemonic approach, why it should be considered the DUTY of every American, to do, some, responsible, fact – checking, rather than blindly accepting what others say, or write, as gospel!
1. Due diligence; determinations; deciding/ decisions: Beware of gossip, Social Media MEME‘s, or any statements, comments, etc, until you thoroughly examine, consider, and review, whether there are facts, involved! This requires us to proceed, with some concerted effort, and due diligence, in order to differentiate rumors and innuendos, from the true facts! How each of us, proceeds, and determines, our personal reasoning, in a fact – oriented, rather than prejudiced/ biased way, is perhaps, the last line – of – defense, we have, in deciding the future identity of our nation, and ensuring the finest, relevant, sustainable decisions!
2. Useful; usable; unique; urgings: Listen carefully, but carefully, to the promises and rhetoric of politicians, and office – holders, but, do not, automatically, accept their statements, as facts! Are their ideas, usable, in a positive manner, and do they possess, the ability to produce unique solutions, for our changing – world? Check the so – called, facts, carefully, by identifying the sources, time – lines, and how many sources, are involved, and their track record!
3. Timely; trends: Beware of any politician, who seeks to bring us, back, to the past, rather than introducing, timely, relevant, sustainable solutions, and uses the trends, which might be helpful, into the future!
4. You; your: Too often, we abandon our personal responsibilities, and claim it’s the fault of someone else, rather than, accepting, it’s up, to, each of you! Will you accept your personal responsibility, and demand, politicians, maintain a higher level of integrity, and ethics?
Americans will never receive the finest, from those, they elect, when they consider it, their DUTY, to demand, facts, instead of fake – facts, and proceed, to differentiate, carefully, between, actual information, and political rhetoric, and empty promises. Will you take the personal responsibility, seriously?
Richard has owned businesses, been a COO, CEO, Director of Development, consultant, professionally run events, consulted to thousands, conducted personal development seminars, and worked on political campaigns, for 4 decades. Rich has written three books and thousands of articles. Website: and LIKE the Facebook page for common sense politics:
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