Quantum Economics – Philosophy of the Economy

By | May 29, 2009

Expert Author Joshua Konov

The philosophical comparison of social developments such as economy to the particle related quantum mechanics may look incidental or incoherent but conceptually said the human perception has changed from certainty and simplicity to uncertainty and complexity too, therefore the perception of principle understanding processes in economy philosophically must change too the way it has changed in Physics and Mathematics , because the “uncertainty” of the information for particles in their “position” and “momentum” goes much farther in social sciences where the “uncertainty” of the social-economic developments and processes as reported by Governments or private groups are even more unclear and subjective.

The similarity of the old “certain” and “simplified” approaches in Physics where particles were taken as measurable and static was well used in Philosophy and Economics where the processes were simplified and taken as measurable or at least easily put in systems of evaluation; thus there is not difference between the approaches in Physics and Economics in terms of thought and conventionalizing of simplifying processes and what in science seems irreversible is the constant conventionalizing complex reality. More “uncertainty” must go in the same way and apply to Philosophy and Economics as well.

The similarities between science in Physics and Economics goes even beyond the evolving perception from simplicity to complexity into the reality of realization of “unpredictability” and “uncertainty” when the same way when in Physics was realized that a “particle” is in constant change that there isn’t way it could be measured without error. It isn’t just because of the insufficiency of the human technology but because of multiple and mutually changing realities and even farther because the reality is extremely unpredictable and unknown.

The same way in Philosophy and Economics could be easily realized that social economic processes are not static but “unpredictability” and “uncertainty” of ever changing social economic realities are not measurable by any means therefore to think that by using a few statistical measurements might give us a realistic picture of the economic situations is unrealistic and uncertain but even beyond the processes in social and economic structures are so diverse and changing that they are more like the particles in quantum mechanics then to any theoretical explanations of the statistic economics or principle of evaluations of Philosophical conceptions such as Marx’s or John Lodge’s or whoever’s. The ever changing reality and the uncertainty coming out of it may only be theoretically explained by some theories and philosophical conceptions but these could not provide an adequate picture of the ever changing and uncertain social-economic reality in which especially economic processes are at the most unpredictable and uncertain.

The ideologies of some economic structures such as Communism or Capitalism, or Socialism which are conventionalized based on philosophical conceptions are far away from explaining the social-economic processes but more likely they are providing some “security” in a very diverse and insecure realities; these ideologies did work somehow in a political world of cold wars and ideological confrontations when one was better then the others, but do not work in an open free world where these philosophical conceptions do not find any applications or support.

To measure statistically or anyhow a realistic picture of the social-economic processes is uncertain the developed tools and indicators for such measuring are inadequate and limited but even they were developed to perfection they still would not be able to measure these processes because the processes by themselves are uncertain and could not be measured.

The processes in social-economics could be only given “parameters of expansion or contraction” so they can develop in “certain areas” to “certain extend” and then changed or adjusted, it may be done in a way to disperse accumulating energy so instead of big wave: the ways energies are accumulated and create big waves is the example of Real Estate market appreciation: which is positive for the economy to the extend of providing additional capital and equity thus expanding individual capitalization and investing but as we saw in the current crisis when this process of appreciation expanded over its positive for the economy effect such over appreciation had devastating consequences to literally crashing the existed economic structures; the negative accumulation of energies because of the over appreciation wasn’t dispersed to the rest of the economy so the ripple effect was unavoidable; in case a possible way to minimize such over-appreciation is not by not allowing or even limiting appreciation as all but by establishing “parameters” which will ring the bell for over-appreciations or even better they will automatically trigger “prevention valves” to limit the over-appreciation or under-appreciation as well.

The differences between the self adjusting so called capitalism or socialism economics where governments use very political tools to adjust these fluctuations; as well Fiscal and Monetary policies and talk about distribution and redistribution of wealth or limiting or expanding business activities may not necessary be the right economic tools to set the needed “parameters” so “over expansion” or “under expansion” do not occur.

The “Iquanta” is a quanta but is not anymore a part of a particle or an energy, or any thing in physical aspect but a philosophical measured quantity of “energy” or just a “word” which could be considered as an abstraction or an “imaginary particle” as well, it will depend from the point of view: when some could believe that social-economic processes have their own energies or some not; for me such believes do not have any meaning because the most important thing is going to be to establish the parameters of it; The same principles would apply to “Iglued plasma” and some others terminology taken from the Quantum Mechanics which will be used in this research.

This research is attempting to challenge the status quo of the ideologically motivated Philosophy and Economics with the principle of uncertainty of the processes of economic development; to show the similarities existing between the Quantum Mechanics of Physics and the Iquantum Economics of Social-Economics Philosophy; to set some “parameters” of social-economic processes which eventually could be used in practical Economics to limit “big waves” of economic recessions or at least explain these “parameters.”

To show that even unpredictable by nature and impossible to be put into one philosophical structure which could explain all of these social-economic processes, though there are still some parameters which could limit the occurrence of big wave and not the least to show that economic downturns and recessions even uncontrollable are not a part or a tool of somehow “free market development”, but the violent adjustments are a result of occasional build up of energies to a big wave and in the same time some of these energies could be put in parameters /diversified thus it may prevent these big waves from being so frequent or so violent.

What is an iquanta? – it is not a part of any particle it might be part of energies or part of conceptional particles for explaining certain philosophical conceptions which particles move, contract and expand in limited predictability. It is influenced by social-economic processes and developments. It accumulates energies mostly based on social-economic occurrences and fluctuations.

What is igloued plasma?- the powers which connect the iquantas and other parts of a constantly changing and moving occurrences and processes in social-economic processes; we can imagine these terminology as a mirror of these social-economic processes so thus they could be located in their changes and explained in their changes, vibrations, accumulation of energies and creating violent social-economic adjustments. The physical quantities are built up by iquantas and other parts rapidly changing and moving, where the igloued plasma connects these parts and gives them the meaning of occurrence; the “energies” build up by the acceleration of the iquantas and other parts and the fluent economic developments become violent big waves: similar to the monster waves in the ocean.

Well, common qualities of such build up is concentration of energies between the neighboring waves but this observation is not a principle. In real development of the economies some factors have positive effect over expansion and progress in certain time and the same factors might have negative effect in different time or mostly when passing the level of a positive build up: (for example the real estate appreciation has a positive effect on the economic development to the extent when the market prices are not supported by income to expanse ratios, or until the withdrawn and reinvested capital do not bring the supporting profit flow; or until becomes exuberant compared to the other business activities or if etc.), many variety of conditions hence if particular waves in the physical quantities relate the real estate built energies which might push up the big wave and this wave might well shake a lot of other sections of the real economy.

So comes the difference between quantum mechanics and iquantum economics: the uncertainty of observation of the iphysical quantities do not relate only ever changing realities but also the ways of observations when in the quantum mechanics the main issue is measuring and observing in the iquantum economics is putting parameters after analyzing of the information when the difference between iphysical quantities and final observations are even greater hence the vectors may start from the same or even totally opposite points so the relevance between and among these vectors is based on their directions, length and the angles of their projections.

The founding formula in explaining the existed uncertainties in the social economic development and processes is


(/Ai/ at one possible statistical or anyhow observation of current social-economic developments and processes)
A is the imaginable real “iphysical quantities” which has its /X,P/ ( /X/ Momentum and /P/ Position) so

X,P ³Ai





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