Supporting Businesses During Pandemic

By Michel A. Bell  |   April 10, 2020 Supporting businesses during the pandemic means supporting workers. Businesses like other institutions are vehicles, mere shells with people who decide every aspect. The left complains that government shouldn’t support companies. The left is anti business and pro worker, but that’s an unsound position. If you are pro worker,… Read More »

Should Bitcoin Replace Currency of Central Banks?

By P Mathivanan  |   January 13, 2020 Distinction between Bitcoin and Currency of Central Banks What is the difference between central bank authorized currency and Bitcoin? The bearer of central bank authorized currency can merely tender it for exchange of goods and services. The holder of Bitcoins cannot tender it because it’s a virtual currency not… Read More »

Why do some houses sell and similar sit?

By Richard Brody  |   November 26, 2019 Have you ever wondered, why, some houses, sell quickly, while many other, similar ones, seem to sit, on the market, for a considerable period of time, and/ or, fail, to sell? As a Real Estate Licensed Salesperson, in the State of New York, for nearly 15 years, I have… Read More »

Adverse Selection and Moral Hazard: Pondering Policy Implications of Asymmetric Information

By James Gaius Ibe  |   July 10, 2019 How do firms mitigate adverse selection and moral hazard derivative of asymmetric information? How do hidden characteristics or profiles exacerbate adverse selection? How do hidden actions and material changes in behavior exacerbate moral hazard? The answers to these strategic questions are critical to effective formulation and execution of optimal adverse… Read More »

How entrepreneurship offers a route out of industrial decline

By Cristian Gherhes, Chay Brooks & Tim Vorley | June 26, 2019 The recent collapse of British Steel highlights the vulnerability of towns like Scunthorpe in England’s north-east to industrial decline. With 4,500 jobs on the line, its dependence on a single industrial giant – and the inherent vulnerability when this collapses – is obvious. Yet this… Read More »