Decoupling from China

(NewsUSA) | June 24, 2019 We do not know what will come out of the meeting between President Trump and Xi Jinping at the G-20 on June 28, but the signs are ominous. The state-promoted anti-American propaganda blasting U.S. “bullying” on trade and the resurgence in Chinese nationalism stoked by Xi Jinping augur poorly for successful… Read More »

The Story of the Barcode: Past, Present, and Future

(NewsUSA) | June 24, 2019 Same-day delivery. Self-checkout. Buy online, pick-up in store. Countless modern shopping conveniences that are currently available can be traced back to the debut of a seemingly simple technology with a powerful impact on global commerce – the barcode. Today, the barcode is used by millions of people everywhere, every day.… Read More »

President Trump Needs to Sell Trumpanomics, not Just the Results

  By Kevin Judge | June 21, 2019 President Trump kicked off his reelection campaign this week with a rip-roaring  rally that no other politician in my lifetime could stage. He packed a 25,000 seat arena with thousands more outside, all appearing to have a wonderful time chanting and cheering for a leader they clearly… Read More »

Why Federal Reserve independence matters

By Michael Klein| June 20, 2019 Should you care if the Federal Reserve loses its independence? It’s become a growing risk in recent years as President Donald Trump has repeatedly attacked the U.S. central bank over interest rate policy and tried to appoint his political allies to its board. Most recently, he reportedly has explored… Read More »

Taking inventory of your financial health

(Family Features) | June 20, 2019 Only 28% of Americans are financially healthy, according to the U.S. Financial Health Pulse. Most others will have difficulty reaching long-term financial goals and are more vulnerable to the threat of financial shocks, such as car trouble, unforeseen medical bills or job loss. Regardless of income or wealth, the… Read More »

Canadian CBD Company Is on Explosive Track for Growth

(NewsUSA) | June 19, 2019 As the CBD industry continues its growth spurt in the United States, new research suggests that it is poised to take off in Europe as well. Data from the Brightfield Group, a market intelligence firm for the cannabis and CBD industry, estimates that the European CBD market will grow by… Read More »

Retailers Embrace AI Tech for Improved Customer Experience

(NewsUSA) | June 19, 2019 Artificial Intelligence is becoming commonplace across major industries and retail is no exception. The retail industry is looking for ways to keep up with the times and many companies have started implementing AI technology across the entire product and service cycle – from assembly to post-sale customer service interactions. Major retailers… Read More »

The Supreme Court’s Virginia uranium ruling hints at the limits of federal powerThe Supreme Court’s Virginia uranium ruling hints at the limits of federal power

By Cale Jaffe | June 18, 2019 Virginia has the authority to ban uranium mining under state law, even as the federal government regulates the processing of nuclear fuel under the Atomic Energy Act, the Supreme Court has ruled. Neil Gorsuch, joined by the court’s longest-serving and newest conservatives – Clarence Thomas and Brett Kavanaugh… Read More »