The Best-Kept Secret: 529 Education Savings Plans

(NewsUSA) | June 04, 2019 What you don’t know really can hurt you when it comes to paying for your child’s college education. Yes, we’re talking 529 plans. They’ve been around since 1996 – longer than most Generation Zers have been alive – but a new survey from Edward Jones found that a whopping 67… Read More »

Businesses Don’t Wait for Politicians to Raise Wages

By Kevin Judge | June 04, 2019 The other day I passed a McDonald’s, where the sign beneath the golden arches usually has the latest meal deal, instead revealed they are offering $11 an hour jobs to start. McDonald’s is generally considered the poster boy for minimum wage jobs. The name comes up almost every… Read More »

5 Tips to Manage Money Smarter

(Family Features) | June 03, 2019 There’s more to managing your money than paying your bills and successfully avoiding overdraft charges (although those are definitely steps in the right direction). Effectively managing your money takes time and planning, but the payoff may be a stronger financial future. Create a budget. Some people avoid making a… Read More »

Getting poorer while working harder: The ‘cliff effect’

  By Susan R. Crandall | June03, 2019 Forty percent of all working-age Americans sometimes struggle to pay their monthly bills. There is no place in the country where a family supported by one minimum-wage worker with a full-time job can live and afford a 2-bedroom apartment at the average fair-market rent. Given the pressure… Read More »

Risk Tolerance: To Thine Own Self Be True

By Kevin Judge | May 31, 2019 Every person has their own view and tolerance of risk. This is a critical fact in determining their investment strategy and each investor needs to have a clear understanding of what level of risk is appropriate for them and act accordingly. Some people are by nature risk averse… Read More »

How soybeans became China’s most powerful weapon in Trump’s trade war

By Ian Sheldon | May 30, 2019 Soybeans may not seem all that useful in a war. Nonetheless they’ve become China’s most important weapon in its ever-worsening trade conflict with the U.S. China, the world’s biggest buyer of the crop, has reportedly stopped purchasing any American soybeans in retaliation for the Trump administration raising tariffs… Read More »

How Long, Will Mortgage Rates, Stay, Low?

By Richard Brody  |   May 30, 2019 If we had workable, crystal balls, wouldn’t it be easier to predict trends, and what, the future, would bring? However, since most have not found, their personal version of a reliable form of these, it might make sense, to better understand, some of the signs, and omens, which… Read More »